Thoughts with Thots: Quarantine Edition

We’re all familiar with their their endless vacations, effortless thirst-traps, and self-deprecating-but-not-really captions, but does anyone ever take the time to ask an Instathot what’s actually on their mind? That’s about to change, right now. In this edition of #ThoughtsWithThots, we’re asking some of our fave unabashed thots about their self-isolation secrets:
What's your guilty pleasure during quarantine?
The Queen of All Thots: @nikita_dragun
“No guilty pleasures... I am a guilty pleasure lol… but i have been binge watching anime and maybe a FT call to a cute boy or two.”
The Posed Thot: @johnnysibilly
“My quarantine guilty pleasure is watching all of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills seasons for the first time.”
The Daddy Nature Thot: @titaniusmaximus
“Definitely not closing the curtains. No matter what. Sometimes I’m like damn you could be giving a show to the neighbors...but I just love the light and feeling of freedom.”
The Funny Thot: @matteolane
“Fortnite and carbonara”
The OnlyFans Thot: @novakkk
“Being productive and challenging myself is my quarantine guilty pleasure. There’s nothing sexier than becoming a handyman, playing sports outside, and being watched by other people… it makes me feel hot and desired.”
The Flexible Thot: @sergio0zapata
“Not having to put any underwear on, even if I’m on a video call.”