Grindr Chat: Quarantine Edition

Who could’ve predicted that the best time to have a heart-to-heart was during government-mandated self-isolation? This edition of Grindr Chat is all about what happens after the gay cabin fever sets in—prepare yourself for mask play, quaranTEENs, and lots of PNP (Purell N’ Play).
Thank you @Zachnoetowers for curating these hilarious and thrilling conversations from queer quarantined life.
Safe only
Um yeah I love sex but I also respect humanity??

Everyone’s got a type
Remember that movie Bubble Boy with Jake Gyllenhaal? That’s my type.

It’s a party in the U.S.A.
We all know those gays who find the weirdest shit to use as lube.

Valentina’s Impact
But seriously…what did Valentina know? And when?

Tell ’em that it’s my birthday
What better way to celebrate a special occasion than alone?

When opportunity knocks…
“Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this” - Kelly Clarkson

Biology 101
During self-isolation it’s best to stick to CDC guidelines if you have questions!

Honey, where there’s a will there’s a way.

In the future, dick pics will be used as credit cards.

Distance makes the D grow harder
Maybe some of you tops will finally realize a good thing when you have it!

Respect your elders
Cum and kill grandma < Stay at home and contemplate my existential dread