Grindr Chat: V Day Edition

We all know that the best Grindr chats come from the heart, and that’s why this edition of GRINDR CHAT is so special—it’s all about the heart. Yes, the rumors are true, it’s Valentine’s Day! To celebrate cupid’s reckless arrow, we’ve rounded up some V Day-themed Grindr convos that shock, titillate, and ultimately make us cry…with laughter.
Thank you @Zachnoetowers for curating these pieces of modern (he)art for us.
The hopeless romantic
If you really loved me you’d know the fastest way to my heart is through the ATM.

The children are the future
It’s so beautiful when two people can talk about kids so early in the relationship 😍

The Five Love Languages
Sometimes your sweetheart knows just what to say to brighten your day. Awww.

Film gays
We all know those gays who see everything opening weekend.

French Kiss
There’s nothing better than romance abroad, even if it’s just your next door neighbor’s apartment.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Metaphor is such a magical device to enhance your romance 🌹

Super Smash Bros
Nothing more romantic than playing “video games” with your bros!

Cupid’s arrow 💘
You never know what Cupid’s up to, that is one crazy mf.

Share your whole heart
“Tis’ better to give than receive” — someone not on Grindr.

The Giphy that keeps on giving 🎁
Always sent with stoopid love.