
Hello! Today we are launching a new feature globally: Boost. Yes, you saw that right. Boost is now in beta. Not “Boots.” Although … boots!
Grindr Boost places you near the top of nearby users’ grids for up to an hour, allowing you to attract more attention from accounts that are still close by but maybe just out of the usual range. Boost also unlocks your “Viewed Me” list for 24 hours, so you can chat with anyone whose eye you caught.
At the end of the Boost, we'll send you a report with the number of taps, chats, and views you received—a Boost Report, if you will. And if you think you've hit the record for attention in your city, @ us on Twitter with a screenshot of your Boost Report so we can keep tabs on who is the Grindr Supreme.
Tips & Tricks
Be Photo
Boosters with a photo get far more attention than people who boost without. If you have a photo already, consider updating it before your next Boost session to catch someone's eye.
Be Ready
While you can purchase a Boost at any time, be advised that it begins at the time of purchase so we recommend using it when you're ready and responsive. This way you'll be able to make the most of the attention. Speaking of attention, if you're looking to get the most taps, chats, and views then definitely boost during the evening or weekends.
Be Free
Staying online and responsive during your Boost will help you get far more attention than if you walk away from your phone. Oh, yeah, if you're an Unlimited subscriber be sure to turn off "incognito" before Boosting or you won't show up at all (don't worry, we'll remind you).
What's Next
We're still testing things out, so things may change—including how we promote your profile, pricing, and promotions for our subscribers. If you have any feedback, be sure to fill out the survey in the upper righthand corner of your Boost Report. Otherwise, check out our help pages for the latest on how Boost works.
Boost. Boots. Boost the house down!
Have fun!